
Girl Town hack 2.2 ver




18 Reviews

genres Strategy

4,4 / 5 star


published Dates 2013-12-19

Critique I don't want to be negative, but I just want to point out the problems first. This game has some pretty demented flaws. First off, the overall graphics are pretty good, and the animation flows pretty smoothly, but the quality is kinda... 2007. It doesn't bother me but I wanted to point it out. Also, yeah there are times when advertisements will pop up over important buttons. It isn't a big problem for me. You can still see a bit of the button so I just press above that. If you accidentally tap the ad, just close it out. Very simple, we can be patient, right? And last but not least, you should be able to customize your character beforehand and not when you begin playing, like the setup most games like this have. This is a huge problem. If this game has more attention there would more controversy around having to pay to change your skin tone. Yeah. FIX THAT. Seriously. Also it'd be nice if you could have more selection for hair colors, and instead of row after row of the same hair in different colors, just have us select the color of the hair without pay (since, for example the blond bob and the pink bob cost the same)

Version Notes Minor Bug Fixes




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